Centre for Social Research is about to launch their open access peer reviewed journal ‘Social Surfing’, to be published both online and in print, from the approaching cycle on an annual basis. We are now inviting academics, researchers, students and the civil society to come forward with their views and takes on the issues of: social media platforms, and the growing relationship between individuals and this cyber space. We want to engage with the current experiences and changing systems of communication between people and social media. We would like academic papers from the research field of sociology, political science, economics and law, which can thematically discuss their subject matters. Apart from this, we also welcome civil society submissions that raise the important issues and can compile essays based on the themes provided here.
This Call for Papers by Centre for Social Research is the next milestone in its initiative #SocialSurfing, which has travelled across India to initiate a dialogue on safe usage of social media and counter speech.
As a next step, the papers will be published in the ‘Social Surfing Journal‘, to be shared with the national Universities, University Grants Commission, Government bodies, Prominent Social Media Platforms, and Civil Society Organisations.
Recommendations from this journal would also be passed on to schools to be considered for school curriculum.
Themes of CFP:
1) Gender and Media: The Indian Woman’s dialogue with Social Media
2) Can Social Media be socially viable? Using and misusing web based platforms
3) Changing Targets: Women’s safety on Social Media
4) Rise of the Trolls: Online deviance and personality development
5) Social Media building Society: Community projects and future plans for Global Social Media
Submission guidelines for authors:
1. Abstract – (Not more than 500 words) There should be a clear heading/title of the paper, along with outline of the arguments of the paper/essay.
Instructions for copy –
• Typewritten – Times New Roman (Italics for emphasis)
• Double spaced,
• One inch margins,
• Save as .doc/.docx,
• Please use Endnotes instead of footnotes.
2. Manuscript must be accompanied by statement that it has not been published anywhere else.
3. Please provide 3-5 Keywords.
4. Please mark page numbers.
5. Please follow one of the themes provided for the subject matter of your paper/essay.
6. Please mention all co-authors appropriately.
7. Please also refrain from plagiarizing, as we will be conducting plagiarism tests before accepting any papers/essays.
Last date for submission of paper abstract: 07.02.2016 (500 Words)
Confirmation of accepted abstract: 10.02.2016
Full Paper submission: 25.02.2016 (Max. 2000 Words)
Acceptance of paper: 01.03.2016
All selected research papers will be published in a Book bearing ISBN -International Standard Book Number.
Communications should be made to callforpapers@csrindia.org
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