On 28th February, 2018, Ms Srishti Pragat, CSR team member who is working on the passage of Women’s Reservation Bill, visited the Crisis Management Centre, in Uttam Nagar. The purpose of this visit was to take videos of the community members for CSR’s online petition on the passage of Women’s Reservation Bill.
With support of Ms Rakhi (Counsellorr) and Ms Sunita (Assistant Counsellor), around 17 community people (4 men and 13 women) were mobilized for the videos. The women and men actively participated and supported the passage of Women’s Reservation Bill. It was great to see working women (mostly working in Informal sector) taking time out and visiting CMC for videos. In addition to the videos, 500 petitions papers were also disseminated in the field to get large amount of signatures in support of the Bill.
गुरमीत कौर जी ने महिला आरक्षण बिल को अपना समर्थन दिया है। आप भी हस्ताक्षर करके इस बिल को समर्थन दे – https://t.co/vNyMXUTxT9 @LokSabhaSectt @Time33Percent #WomensReservationBill #TimesUp pic.twitter.com/Wjqb5hksij
— CSR (@CSR_India) March 8, 2018
The CMC has promised more videos and signatures gradually in support of the passage of Women’s Reservation Bill.
जगदीश जी ने महिला आरक्षण बिल को अपना समर्थन दिया है। आप भी हस्ताक्षर करके इस बिल को समर्थन दे – https://t.co/vNyMXUBWuz @LokSabhaSectt @Time33Percent #WomensReservationBill #TimesUp #InternationalWomensDay2018 pic.twitter.com/WJ5wAI4QRm
— CSR (@CSR_India) March 8, 2018