Special Police Unit for Women and Children along with Delhi Police organized meeting on 10th October, 2015 at 11.00 am at the Awane Galib Auditorium, New Delhi which was attended by 850 representatives from approximately 200 Non Government Organizations/Women Help Groups. The meeting was held to discuss issues concerning women’s safety and security in Delhi. Along with the Commissioner Police, Shri. B.S Bassi, Sr. Special CP/Spl. Units Sh Dharmendra Kumar, Sr. Special CP/Spl. CP/ Law and Order Shri Deepak Mishra, Special CP/ Vigilance Shri Amulya Patnaik, Special CP/ Operations Smt. S. Sundari Nanda, Special CP/Crime Shri.Taj Hassan, Joint CP/ Ranges, Crime and SPUWAC and District DCPs also attended the meeting.
The meeting was initiated with a power point presentation by Shri. B.S Bassi, wherein the initiatives taken by Delhi Police for Women’s Safety and Security were highlighted. The Cp, Delhi laid stress on the changing the behavior first as changing the mindset would entail a longer process. This however, was not taken in a good stride and evoked discussion. A short video on the Himmat Application was also played for the participants. This was followed by an interactive session where the participants were asked to share their suggestions/experience/ complaints on various issues related to women.
Suggestion like Third Party Audits, rate of conviction instead of number of FIR’s registered to be considered as performance indicator, installation of CCTVs camera (as per the recent judgment by Supreme Court) were made by the representatives from the group. Problems faced by the Ngo groups were also shared in the discussion. The representatives were assured by the Commissioner of Police for taking necessary action on the suggestions/problems faced by them. The meeting lasted for 4 hours followed by lunch. The participants were also handed the resource material along with the self defense training CD for women’s safety.
This was one of the first platforms organized by Delhi Police with all the NGOs and Women Help Groups together for their efficient functioning to address concerns regarding women’s safety and security in Delhi.
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