On 6th January 2016, Ms Prajakta Neelkanth, along with Ms. Kamlesh Premi and Ms. Manju conducted a gender sensitization training for medical doctors, paramedics and staff members in Jag Pravesh Govt Hospital, New Usmanpur. This training was conducted for Project Wajood under which CSR is running a Crisis Mediation Center in New Usmanpur. The purpose of this project is essentially awareness generation about domestic violence among chosen communities as well as gender sensitivity among other stake holders such as police, medical fraternity etc .
There were a total of 35 participants in this session, and the feedback provided by them was of a positive nature. Ms. Prajakta Neelkanth said “The response we got was very good, and now we are planning to conduct further trainings in the same hospital, so that other members of the hospital are also aware of these issues”.
The hospital deals with mostly maternity and gynecological cases, and the CSR team has asked the staff to contact the CSR team when any case of domestic violence arises. In this regard, a list of phone numbers and contact information was provided to all members of the staff.
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