That Kangana Ranaut has been trending on the internet and across all social media platforms is old news. Whether it is taking on Bollywood biggies, or speaking about nepotism, she has minced no words. But when AIB released its new video with Kangana, it can safely be said that the actress has literally broken the internet, and made even the most laid back person sit up and take notice.
The cleverly directed video, titled “The Bollywood Diva Song”, is placed in a film setting, and discusses the various issues which Kangana Ranaut has been in the news for. Whether it is the gender pay gap, age difference between lead actor and actress, discrimination against married actresses, prevalent nepotism, objectification of female characters through item songs, glorification of male actors, and interchangeability of actresses, this catchy video addresses all these, through punchy one liners.
As an organization working for gender equality for more than three decades, we are so proud of Kangana and AIB for creating such a video, which tackles patriarchy in such an entertaining and powerful way. We had earlier written about AIB’s video on the glorification of stalking and harassment in Bollywood. It is only when popular and influential figures talk about equality and empowerment, can change truly be effected.