With the focus on achieving National Action Plan on Climate Change and the Millennium Development Goals, Center for Social Research (CSR) in affiliation with Hanns Seidel Stiftung initiated “Water Conservation and Climate change training program in Rural Rajasthan” that focused on achieving water conservation and to mitigate the effects of climate change in rural Rajasthan through capacity building of Elected Women Representatives on various existing government schemes and tools.
From 22nd to 23rd September 2017, CSR undertook three days’ technical training of trainers program in Jaipur. The training was presided over by Water Experts and the Program team for those participants who administered Hand-holdings at the community level in 2016. The technical training was considered to be advanced training for those who have been affiliated with the project over a period of time and were aware and aligned with its objectives and content. The training was culminated with a field visit to observe ideal practices of water conservation and technical configuration of its methodology. The training participants were given scientific and technical knowledge on mapping water purity and hygiene of water sources. They were encouraged to not only ideate on the micro water conservation initiatives but also to understand how rainwater harvesting and watershed harvesting can be undertaken at the village level. The participants were given tips to make proposals at the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat level to not only prioritize water conservation as a burning issue but to also mobilize the community for the same.
Before conducting trainings the team conducted needs assessment in Abu Road and Jaipur which was followed by conducting of data analysis of the information received along with an advisory core group meeting in which the draft technical training module was discussed. The pilot technical Training of Trainers (TOT) was also held in Abu Road.