Assessing Sector-Specific Capacity-Development Requirements for Women’s Safety and Security
New Delhi, July 14, 2015 – Women and girls in Delhi face multiple forms of violence and the city boasts the dubious distinction of being the “rape capital” of the nation. In order to initiate a dialogue around the issue of women’s safety and chalk out a sector specific plan towards a safe Delhi, Centre for Social Research is organizing aconference- Safe City is a Smart Cityat India Islamic Cultural Centre, Lodhi Road from 4 PM to 8 PM on July 15, 2015. Police Commissioner B.S Bassi has confirmed his presence at the conference along with other police officials and heads of Civil Society Organisations.
This conference aims at enriching that conversation with perspectives from both within and outside the government, so that the most balanced and comprehensive recommendations can be studied and applied to alleviate the problem.
The Delhi Police fact sheet on crime against women lists over 5,000 recorded incidents of crime against women in 2011, which rivals the number of incidents across the entire state of Haryana over the same year. In a recent article, India Today sites Police Control Room Data that indicate a 10 fold increase in the number of domestic violence cases reported over the last year.Data from CSR’s Rape Crisis Intervention Centre supports this observation, recording a dramatic increase in the number of crimes reported.
The National Family Health Survey 2005-06 puts the rate of spousal abuse in Delhi between 25 and 29 percent for women in low-education groups, a number which is growing as women move toward greater reporting of domestic violence cases to the police and the courts.
The violent gang rape of December 16, 2012 brought the nation’s attention to the gravity of the violence against women in the city. The case led to the revision of legislation on rape and sexual assault to broaden the definition of violence and harassment and to enforce harsher penalties for perpetrators of crimes. It also highlighted the need for reform of police policies and protocols in order to respond more effectively to issues of gender-based violence and to develop preventative measures to protect women from this violence. The rising statistics indicate that the government and government relatedbodies urgently need to re-evaluate the existing state response on crimes against women.
For more information, please contact:
Amitabh Kumar, Head of Media & Communication
Centre for Social Research
Contact: +91 9873-620162
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