Centre for Social Research (CSR) in partnership with UNICEF and the Labour Department of the Government of India, conducted “Training of Trainers” as part of CSR’s gender sensitization training program. This training program was conducted in three different districts. The program lasted for two days and was directed at other Non-governmental organization (NGO) workers that worked on a myriad of issues within these three districts. This training was to sensitize these workers to the social effects and ramifications of gender on their respective development work topics. Gender is inherently attached to all forms of development work, and therefore it must be consciously considered in the work. Gender cannot be severed from the individual, thereby, the individual’s socialization of how to exude their gender and their gendered roles also needs to be addressed and accounted for in all development work.
The training program was aimed to create gender-sensitized ambassadors through an NGO worker network. These workers were to be sensitized, via the training program, to have a better holistic understanding of the challenges faced by the women and children in the villages and areas they are working in. The NGO workers are supposed to take their new knowledge and understanding of gender issues and inequalities to the elected representatives of their respective villages and forward the information from the program to these prestigious bodies. CSR sends trainers to go and monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the information provided by the ambassadors to help bridge the gaps identified through a 1-day refresher course and resource manual. The aim is to create knowledgeable leaders on gendered issues as trainers/ambassadors to help address gendered issues through different development work. As well, by including the elected representatives of the villages, the political and public consciousness of the village will hopefully expand to gain a further understanding of the implications of particular socializations and their lived realities by specific bodies.
On the 11th of May 2015, CSR sent trainer officials to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their training program through the on-the-ground knowledge produced and taught by their new trainers. CSR provided a one-day refresher course on the 13th of May 2015, to bridge the gaps they identified in the information and knowledge provided by the new trainers. These gaps are reflective of areas where CSR can further develop their training program to become clearer and succinct to be as effective as possible. CSR thanks its partners for their continued support and help in this endeavor.
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