Often cyber crime is understood in one or two faces- it may be seen as act of stalking or act of bank fraud. However, cyber crime can be committed by anybody under various kinds of circumstances. In situations of sour relationships, forgery, blackmail and character assassination are the kinds of cyber crimes committed. In cases of unauthorized access and e-commerce fraud, the targets chosen are the vulnerable and unaware sections of the society. More common cyber crimes dealt with are stalking, impersonation and incidents of threatening for favors especially in close relationships.
#SafeCyberSpace The Face of #CyberCrime – In conversation with Adab Singh Kapoor pic.twitter.com/9eA1iPZZLf
— CSR (@CSR_India) July 4, 2018
CSR India has dealt with a plethora of such cases and understands that cyber crime does not check the age, section, economic background or familiarity with the target before hitting and thus careful handling of such cases is required by everyone involved.
About the Author
Sakshi Bansal is a student of psychology and a solo traveler. She is passionate about reforming education and incorporating social media and technological advances in her endeavors.