A one day workshop was organized by Centre for Social Research in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation with local support from Jan Chetna Sansthan in Abu Road on April 27, 2018.
आबू रोड में जलवायु परिवर्तन और जल संरक्षण पर एक दिवसीय कार्यशाला में यहाँ के लोकल पार्ट्नर जन चेतना संस्थान से रिचा औडिचया महिलाओं से रु ब रु करते हुए। @sikhnibhatia @ranjanakumari @HSSde #GenderMatters #FridayFeeling pic.twitter.com/jXjn4CUocV
— CSR (@CSR_India) April 27, 2018
In this workshop the selected participants of the technical trainings got an opportunity to learn about the existing water management systems in India as practiced and promoted by the central as well as state governments in India. This was a good platform to learn from various water experts and local water management practitioners. Here, area specific water conservation models were discussed so that the participants could practically implement the learnings easily. In addition, regulatory frameworks of water management at central as well as state level were also discussed.
रितिका उन सभी वार्ड पंच और सरपंचो को धन्यवाद देते हुए जिन्होंने इस वर्कशॉप में भाग लेकर इसको सफल बनाया। @sikhnibhatia thanks all participants of our #WaterConservation #workshop in #MountAbu. @HSSde @ranjanakumari pic.twitter.com/FdrSevGDSd
— CSR (@CSR_India) April 28, 2018
This workshop imparted theme specific knowledge to the participants and their major aim was to help Elected Women Representatives (EWR’s) to build upon the learnings from the technical trainings conducted in 2017.
Glimpses from a one day #Workshop, organised in #AbuRoad, as part of our #WaterConservation and #ClimateChange project with @HSSde. @sikhnibhatia @ranjanakumari. @RajGovOfficial @DIPRRajasthan #MondayMotivation pic.twitter.com/FAP9x1lPxw
— CSR (@CSR_India) May 7, 2018