Seemapuri Police Training

Gender Sensitization Training with the Police

On February 2nd, the team from GTI, left for Hyderabad for gender training of police officials. This training is a collaboration between CSR, UN Women and National Human Rights Commission, and will be attended by 27 police officials, beyond the SP level.

Juthika Bannerjee, the Head of Gender Training Institute, said “The broad theme of the training is gender sensitization, and our team would also be discussing gender related issues in crime against women, trafficking, women and media, prostitutes, gender stereotypes, and other such things. It will be mostly activity based. “
She went on to say “We hope to see some change in the mindset of people, as many of the participants are trainers themselves for their subordinates. After attending our training program, they can make changes in their trainings as well.

We wish our team lots of luck!

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