On 9th July 2018, the Supreme Court (SC) of India rejected three review petitions of the accused who were involved in brutally raping Jyoti Singh (December 2012, Delhi). The case which had shook lives of almost every girl and women in the country with the fear of safety and security of women.The fight of six long years will hopefully conclude after running from pillars to posts only to seek justice for the 23 years old girl who dreamt of becoming a doctor.
.@ranjanakumari on the #NirbhayaVerdict | Supreme Court upholds 'Death Penalty' | Nirbhaya Rapists to be 'Hanged' #Women #India #WomenSafety pic.twitter.com/AYJVE8O84W
— CSR (@CSR_India) July 9, 2018
The ruthless and inhumane incident had brought a strong wave gathering by women, men and children collectively as a family demanding for justice with one slogan ‘Hang the Rapists – We Want Justice.’This not only brought the whole country together but it also raised the question of social security of women. The cases of rape never stopped post and there is a lot more that still needs to be reformed. According to the National Crime Records Bureau report, total of 3, 38, 954 incidents were reported for all forms of crimes against women. After the strong step taken by SC, there is a ray of hope that the rapists will be punished and this will be a landmark for the victory over the silence.
Today after the verdict by SC, it not only puts relief in the state of mind but it also enlightens with faith in the judiciary system. “There is a saying, ‘Better late than Never‘. Although it took 6 years for the Nirbhaya verdict, it did come through. We worked towards attaining justice for Nirbhaya along with her family. However, this is not conclusive as one review petition for mercy is still pending from the accused. The President of India shall be reviewing the petition. We request him to not delay in the review and announce his decision. We stand by the decision that dismissed 3 review petitions (barring the one that is pending). By the Indian Constitution, the rarest of the rate heinous crimes deserve capital punishment and the convicts should be decreed with the same. The rapists should know that they will not be spared and the women should be reassured that they will attain justice. This will mitigate such heinous crimes.” – Dr. Ranjana Kumari, the Director of Centre for Social Research
Finally, it will be a peaceful night for the parents too as it’s a win over the battle which they have been longing for many years.