Two representatives of the International Women’s Peace Group visited CSR for an interaction with Dr. Kumari over their initiative for a Global Declaration on the Cessation of War and Achievement of World Peace. To establish the International Law for Peace, a signature campaign has been rolled out across the nations, through both online and offline mediums.
HWPL, an international peace organization is taking the lead in convening the message of peace and condemning wars along with International Women’s Peace Group and International Peace Youth Group. In this campaign, the advocates of peace are promoting the idea to establish the declaration as a law in their countries.
Full Text of Declaration can be accessed here:
The campaign is carried out through circulation over social media, conferences, seminars and peace walks. The signature campaigns is primarily conducted so that it can be formally submitted to the governing bodies of particular regions and seek their support in enforcing the declaration of peace in an international law.
HWPL and IWPG together foresees this initiative as a step towards building a peaceful society and encourage communities to be peace messengers.
The declaration call upon the states to:
– to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from international law can be maintained, and
– in accordance with the common spirit that permeates all religious scriptures, and the rules of international law including fundamental rights guaranteed, to undertake to prosecute and sanction gross and systematic acts of violence undertaken in the name of religion
– to bring about gradual disarmament of weapons of mass destruction and weapons capable of causing widespread and unnecessary suffering and weapons incompatible with international humanitarian law
You can sign the pledge here:
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