Investing in girls is the right thing to do, but it’s also the smart thing to do. Educate a boy, educate a man; but educate a girl, educate a generation. Educate a girl and it has life-long positive repercussions for herself, her family and her community.
When you invest, you want results, and you want to know you’re making a safe investment. Educating girls is the safest bet you can make. Educating the girl child not only allows her an education for her personal benefit, by elevating her chances to make more money, of having a better job, her empowerment levels, but it lessens her chances of being married off before she graduates, it lessens her chances of being a victim of domestic violence, it lessens her chances of dying during child birth, and it lowers the chances of her child dying before the age 1 and 5. Furthermore, women with higher education levels also tend to invest more in their family’s health and education. For every dollar earned women reinvest 99 cents on their family. Therefore, investing in a girl child’s education means you are investing in her entire future family, her children’s education and health as well as her own.

Educating the girl child brings about a virtuous cycle, and breaks the vicious cycle of poverty. It is the stepping-stone to healthier communities and their families on all fronts. A woman’s education level is one of the strongest predictor for levels of health and education in a child, and for maternal and child mortality rates.

So support girls’ education this holiday season! You can support a project that will ensure that young girls in New Delhi, India, are able to succeed in school. The Centre for Social Research is launching this project as part of its efforts to end violence against women and girls.
For a modest donation you can ensure that in 2016 a girl has books, clothing, extra tutoring, and good nutrition- all critical resources that help ensure that children can learn well and succeed in the classroom.