On 24th February, a workshop was organized by the Women Cell of the Lalit Kala Akademi for its staff members. The purpose of the said workshop was to sensitize its staff members on the rights of the women employees and the measures to be adopted for their empowerment through skill development and training. It was a half day training programme conducted by Mrs Prajakta Neelkanth and Ms Pratishtha Arora, and a total of 26 staff members participated.


The training schedule was divided into two sessions. The first session was focused on basic gender concepts like difference between gender and sex, stereotyping, patriarchy and power relations etc. This was an interactive session with storytelling, videos and some activities. This session helped the participants to understand why people and society as a whole think in traditional, stereotypical ways that create hindrances in women’s abilities to work, to move around and to prove their merit.


The second session was focused on skill development and training. As the participants were all employed, the discussion was kept focused on developing skills as per job requirements and upgradation in personal life too. The skills discussed were language, body language, communication, critical thinking, self motivation, avoid distractions, how to be organized and balanced and computer savvy. A tanagram activity was conducted to explain the importance of communication within the organization, within family and society, as all these factors are interdependent. This activity was appreciated by everybody.

As per the feedback forms, the training was well appreciated by everyone. The participants liked videos and activities, and some of them suggested that more time should be given for such trainings. Most of them wrote that they will be more aware about gender issues and improving themselves in their professional and private lives.

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